Recipe: My Favorite Basic Smoothie

I don't like blogs that go on and on about something that happened that day before, then making you go through step by step photos when you just want a @#&! recipe (I'm looking at you, every wellness blog ever).

So here's my Favorite Basic Smoothie.  We use this in my house and adapt it at will to mood or ingredients on hand. Enjoy!


Favorite Basic Smoothie

1 cup frozen berries (blueberry or mix)
1 banana
2-4 Tbsp. ground flax or DIY Plant-based Protein Powder
2 handfuls of spinach or kale
1/2 cup water (add more to thin)
1 Tbsp. honey or 1 pitted Medjool date (optional)

Put all ingredients into Vitamix* blender. Blend for 30 seconds or until well mixed and purple. 

*If you don't have a Vitamix or similar high powered blender, blend greens and water first for a smoother consistency.